Faience Fragment of Ptolemaic Oinochoai
Representation of Berenikes II Euergeton
Provenance; Naukratis, Egypt.
Mid Hellenistic Period
Egyptian Faience
Exposure Type A
Vertical Macro Shot.
Full Front View.

Exposure Type A.1
Vertical Macro Shot. Front View.
Upper Torso and Head Section of the Representation.
Queen Carrying Cornucopia, with a Stefane.
Exposure Type A.2
Vertical Macro Shot. Front View.

Exposure Type A.1

Exposure Type A.2

Exposure Type B
Vertical Macro Shot. Front View.
Upper Torso and Head Section of the Representation.
Exposure Type B
Vertical Macro Shot. Front View.

Vertical Macro Shot. Front View.
Lower Part of the Representation, with Himation.
Vertical Macro Shot. Closer in Detail.
Lower Part of the Representation, with Himation.

Vertical Macro Shot. Closest in Detail.
Detail of the Lower Part of the Representation, with Himation, and the Fragments of the Oinochoe Each Side.

Vertical Macro Shot. Closer in Detail.
Lower Part of the Representation, with Himation.

Vertical Macro Shot.
Upper Torso and Head Section Joined with the Lower Part of the Representation.
Vertical Macro Shot.
Rear View of the Jointly Combined of the Upper and Lower Part of the Representation.